The Fall Of The Second American Republic

by Shelt Garner

America is at a crossroads. The chief issue of the day is how do you have a functioning republic when one of your two major political parties sees the “constitutional republic” not as a way to have a functioning Western democracy but as an excuse for minority rule?

The answer is, of course, you don’t.

Either you slide peacefully into autocracy, have a military junta or descend into civil war.

But the Second American Republic, the one Lincoln gave his life to found, is in its twilight years. No later than January 2025, it will come to an end one way or another. We will either simply shrug and become an autocracy or we will fucking bomb ourselves into fucking oblivion over cancel culture and CRT.

And, as I keep saying, I just don’t know which option we will chose, which door we will open. It really could go either way at this point. The Right has become so bloodthirsty and so in need of sucking its own cock that they could self-own and start a civil war that they don’t need to get what they want.

It’s all very stupid.

And, yet, that’s where we’re headed. The right feels as those the center-Left is “forcing” them to radicalize. Talk about blaming the victim! Anyway, as I keep saying, it’s over. Either we become an autocracy or we have a civil war and maybe, just maybe, found a Third Republic.

But one thing is for sure — Lincoln’s Second Republic is on its last legs.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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