by Shelt Garner
Holy Shit. I have to say, in a sense, that I predicted all of this some time ago. And, yet, I didn’t. The part that I missed was that it would be Elon Musk , not Trump, who would go full tyrant on us.

Or, I suppose, it’s a combination of Trump and Musk — TrumpMusk, if you will. Mump? Trusk? We need some sort of pithy nickname for this particular diabolical duo.
Another thing I missed is how much political slack Trusk has. These two malignant ding-dongs pretty much have complete leeway to do whatever the fuck they want for the time being.

What’s more, there is going to come a point where it becomes clear that Trusk is going to defy the courts to the point as to moot their power. That will be the moment when things really get out of whack because the traditional blunting and mitigating force of the courts will no longer apply and people are going to start to get angry.

That’s the thing I don’t know about — how much can the populace take before something really bad happens. We are in a crisis with no obvious endgame. Relative to the WW2 analogy, I would say what’s going on right now is the Fall of France – 1940.
It’s going to take a while for the Good Guys to get the fucking act together. And while they do, a lot of crazy bad shit could happen. And, sad to say, I fear for the Good Guys to be victorious, they’re going to have to become Radical Moderates.
They’re going to have to show some grit in the real world. This is not going to be settled in the court of Twitter opinion — this is bigboy shit in the real world where people have to risk their lives and sacred honor.