by Shelt Garner
The thing about Trump is you just never know. That’s his power. The uncertainty. It is a testament to how the man continues to stumble through history — and is not a Great Man — that he can be so fucking lazy and yet get so far.

The people who support him don’t love him, they love “idea” of him. In that sense, Trump is — and always has been -a symptom rather than a cause. Unlike a true Great Man Of History, he simply rides the wave of history rather than divert it to according to his will.
As such, Trump could just as easily start a Second American Civil War in 2024 by demanding a National Divorce to stay out of prison as he is to just slink away after a defeat, never to be seen again. If that — unlikely — event happened, we would at least punt our severe structural problems down the road another four years.
I just have no idea what is going to happen next with Trump. He has all the signs of going full tyrant if he is re-elected in 2024. And, yet, who the fuck knows? I know I don’t. I can’t predict the future.
But I am worried. Very worried.