by Shelt Garner

We have to accept that ding-dong Trump could very well single-handedly cause a cataclysm — “a Great Reset” — starting in late 2024, early 2025. Remember, either option when it comes to Trump is a “Not great, Bob,” situation. If Trump loses, then he might start a civil war to stay out of prison. If he wins, then he could prompt a “Glorious Revolution” that could ultimately result in… a civil war.

Oh, there’s going to be a Great Reset alright, but not in the way you think, you fucking fascists.
So, we *could* be fucked either way.
There is, of course, always a chance that I’m really overthinking things and all of this is just more of my usual hysterical doom shit. I honestly don’t know at this point what is going to happen. My concern, of course, is we’re just not taking the possibility that Trump going full tyrant seriously enough.
If Trump really does try to expel 10 million undocumented people from the country starting in 2025….we have a serious problem on our hands. The ranks of ICE agents would swell to at least a million — if not more — to figure out a way to round up all those people. And that doesn’t even begin to address how doing such a horrific thing would fuck up the American economy.
And, yet, here we are with a large portion of American conservatives chomping at the bit for that very thing to happen.