Why Trump Is So Fucking Popular

by Shelt Garner

The thing about major historical events is the individual has no fucking clue what’s going on while it’s happening. It’s sometimes not until decades later that people have enough perspective on things that there some sort of cohesive narrative as to what the fuck just happened.

Having said all that, here is my personal hot take on why Trump is so popular. The people who are so obsessed with Trump love the “idea” of Trump the fighter. They could care less about his personal bad behavior. They see him as an avatar, a vessel, for the bent up rage of disaffected, “disenfranchised” white Christian (men) who feel as though the woke cancel culture mob is just moments away from ruining their lives.

As such, they hate liberal-progressives SO FUCKING MUCH that they gladly will hand over their democratic birthright. They *want* an autocracy and if Trump uses the military to “own the libs” with the U.S. Military, all the better. They are so blind with rage about the elites and the transitions to a minority majority nation that they are totally blinded by the consequences of doing such a thing.

These are all macro trends that are coming to a head in late 2024, early 2025. Either we turn into a hybrid MAGA autocracy / military dictatorship or we defeat the “bad guys” of MAGA and establish some sort of Third Republic. I fear at this point, there’s absolutely no middle ground.

I’m not advocating anything, of course. Just pointing out the obvious.

The process of figuring out what the fuck we’re going to do starting in late 2024, early 2025 could cost the lives of billions because of a Civil War / Revolution / Third World War. I’m known for my hyperbole and “hysterical doom shit” so, since I can’t predict the future….who knows?

Regardless, we have to take all of this seriously. We can’t dick around anymore, thinking someone is going to “save us.”

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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