Impeaching Trump Won’t Fix The Deeper Existential Problem In America

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

While I would be overjoyed if House Democrats finally pull their thumbs out of their asses and impeached Trump, my elation would come with some qualifications. The issue is, Trump is an avatar for an existential problem in America that is not going away anytime soon. In fact, I would propose it won’t fade until about 20 years from now when the youngest of the Baby Boomers die off just around the time we reach a tipping point with the browning of America.

Though impeaching Trump makes a lot of sense on an abstract level, actually doing it is problematic. Again, I’m not saying we shouldn’t do it — we should. I’m just pointing out that doing it — even successfully — won’t be the panacea too many people on Twitter seem to think it would be. First and foremost, it is likely to fail. So Trump could run as having been “vindicated” the moment he’s acquitted by the Senate. What’s worse, even if impeaching Trump was somewho, miraculously successful, that would mean Pence would have not one, but two opportunities to run for president as an incumbent.

But this raises another issue — Trump is such a horrible person and president the issue of impeachment may eventually be out of all of our hands. I could see more than one scenario where Trump’s mental state grows so dangerous — like 9/11 crisis dangerous — that things fall apart for Trump not in months or weeks but days. In fact, in a sense, that’s the only way impeachment makes any sense to me at this point — to fix a specific crisis. Trump has such a lock on the minds of about 35% of the electorate that while we should impeach him, we should also manage our expectations as to what it will accomplish.

And, yet, really, long term we have to accept that given that Trump is no more than an avatar for a deep existential problem with the United States that there is, in fact, no bottom as to how far things are likely to go. If Federal elections don’t become perfunctory, then there will be active hacking by the Russians. If that doesn’t work, then MAGA will intimidate and bribe individual electors. ICE will be weaponized and the existing camps will be filled not with asylum seekers, but with anyone who has the temerity to challenge the the will of The Leader. I wish this was being hysterical, but it’s not. This is a real possibility. We could go full Russian manage democracy in brief few years. Like, less than five.

I wish I could tell you there was some solution. There’s none. Short term, I would suggest that the Left adopt the “new rules” that the Right is so fond of. We go eyeball-to-eyeball with them every political chance we can get. If that means the government grinds to down to a Singularity, so be it. And, really, at this point there are no good endgames. Here are some possibilities.

It’s possible that the only thing that will keep America together is the military. This is so alien to the American tradition that things would really, really have to get bad. But the military is the lone institution that commands the respect of the general populace, so it may be the only thing that keeps the country together long term.

“Wayward Sisters, Part In Peace”
In this scenario, there is a peaceful division of the country alone political lines on a state level. At best, we have some sort of economic union. At worse, the two sides will hate each other at this point that not even that will happen. The real fight will be over which country gets the US “brand.” Otherwise, the Red States will descend into a third world status while the Blue States will continue to grow and prosper.

The Apocalyptic Rock Fight
In this scenario, the division of the country gets out of hand. The two sides begin to drop a-bombs on each other until the entire country in ruin. Eventually one side will graduate to h-bombs and things will really get interesting. I only even suggest this possibility because MAGA is a manifestation of a cancer on the American psyche that is so dark, so depraved that is may swerve into such a bloodlust that, well, there’s no turning back.

Apartheid Era South Africa Meets Modern Venezuela Meets Reconstruction America
In this scenario, we have sort of a dystopian middle ground. Even though the brown of America has happened, white America clings to economic and political power with a death grip. Meanwhile, because of gross corruption, America is finally a third world country with nukes. We’re alone and scared on the world stage. Large swaths of the populace feel completely disenfranchised. Only the poor pay taxes and the rights of women and minorities are harshly repressed. What’s more Blue States are now little more than military districts without any formal representation in Congress.

And, so, that’s it. Those all the endgames I can think of. None of them make me feel good, none of them I want. But the more I think about it, the more it seems there are a few fundimental flaws in the Constitution. Among them the Electoral College and the Senate. But the Senate is so fundamental to the American system that I think that, in itself, means America will soon be a failed state in all but name. In a sense it already is and we’re just deluding ourselves.

In real terms, I guess all we can do is stay aware of what’s happen and try to, on an individual level, make or corner of America a better place. America is over. The end.

The Lessons Of #BretBug

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

Conservative New York Times columnist Bret Stephens became the laughingstock of Twitter recently. Let’s go through the reasons why this happened.

He Is Well Known
One reason why #BretBug took off was he was well known to both thinkers and the common folks of Twitter. So they had a common frame of reference. Add to that they everyone knew his policy views — mostly bad — and that added fuel to the flames.

He Came Off As A Hypocrite
Apparently Stephens is well know for bitching and moaning about the lack of free speech for conservatives on college campuses. For him to turn around and attack someone for a minor slight online is something of a hoot.

He Overreacted.
The person who got in trouble did not come after Stephens directly. He simply made a throw away joke. Stephens had to go way out of his way to find what was said about him. It was a situation that most Twitter users find themselves in and for someone with power to come after a lowly, random Twitter user is a little too much.

There Was Proof
We were able to actually see the letter about the matter from the professor involved. The gave everyone a common document to look at and comment on. Later, to reference when making jokes.

It’s The Lull Of The Year
This is the slowest news week of the year. Add to this that people needed to blow off some steam because of Trump or the Amazon being on fire, or whatever, and this drew people’s attention in a way it might not otherwise.

Could TikTok Disrupt Twitter?

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

As you may know, when Twitter first came into existence, people did not know what to do with it. A lot of people took pictures of their food, for instance. Only gradually did people realize it had the potential to a whole lost of other things, especially breaking news.

I have long thought that there was something missing from Twitter. I want the ability to have intuitive “video tweets” in the sense that I would record a short video and then someone would respond in kind. Twitter has this ability already, in a sense, but I have never seen two people actually talk to each other back and forth using Twitter’s primitive and klugy video message feature. In my imagination, this new service would have it’s video tweets threaded so you could make some sense of it. I have only recently learned that TikTok has the basis for this notion. It wouldn’t take too much to change the interface just a little bit to make whole platform not only a whole lot more useful, but a whole lot more engaging for older people.

The only reason why older people need to get involved is the natural evolution of a social media platform to go from a silly toy of teens to something useful for adults with, like, careers and stuff. But I suspect my vision for TikTok is a ways down the road. And it may not even be TikTok that does it. It may be a similar service that caters to adults from the get-go.

One barrier to this idea, of course, is vanity. Just like the video phone never took off, there’s a chance that a “video Twitter” will never take off because people are so used to tweeting in the bathroom or at night before they go to sleep that they simply will have no interest in the very thing I propose.

I don’t know. Just an observation.

Well, This Happened

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

My little hometown for some reason had a unusual connection to a number of successful writers and artists. I would guess there are at least half a dozen such people. Among them is Washington Times reporter — and recent author — Charlie Hurt.

Now, let me get some things out of the way. Mr. Hurt is a demonstrable success in his chosen profession. I, alas, to date, am not. And in person he’s a reasonable enough fellow. So, on a personal basis I am rather indifferent to him and wish him only the best professionally.

Having said all that, I would like to note something. Mr. Hurt’s new book “Still Winning” is apparently some sort of apologia of Trump. He has close family ties in my hometown so I thought I’d cruise on by his book signing. That’s where I got this picture:

There’s a scene in one of The Pirates of the Caribbean movies where Capt. Jack Sparrow realizes he’s not going to hook up with the two women he’s with and goes through all the things about them that bugged him during the night before.

I overheard Mr. Hurt made it very clear to someone that he thought Trump was joking when he made his recent “chosen one” comment. It took a lot of willpower on my part not to laugh at this statement. All I want to say is, “Charlie, he wasn’t joking. You and I both saw the footage, he was not joking.

Anyway, other than that, I don’t care. Good luck Charlie Hurt.

‘Sundowning’ — #lyrics to a pop-rock song

Shelton Bumgarner

This one needs to be cleaned up big time. But the idea is presented in an interesting way.

lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
Please give credit if you record or produce

look at the horizon what do I see
trouble is headed our way I fear
the land of the sane is ruled by a mad king
who rushes towards the sun don’t you know
is it possible can it be
he’s sundowning before me

no it can’t be
no it can’t be
I refuse to believe

it were true
that such a thing could happen
how could it be that I’m the only one
the only person to cry out
we need to save ourselves from the heat
yet it seems we don’t believe the burn
that occurs when the sun crashes down

no it can’t be
no it can’t be
I refuse to believe

up in the air
there’s the moon
it’s luna in all her glory
telling us to be calm
too bad it’s not she who rules us now
but a mad sun king

no it can’t be
no it can’t be
I refuse to believe

‘Once The Dust Settles’ #lyrics to a pop rock song

Just venting a little bit in verse. I guess if actually wanted any of these lyrics to be produced I’d at least learn how to play guitar, huh.

Once The Dust Settles
lyrics by Shelton Bumgarner
Please give credit if you record or produce

the world has come to an end
don’t how we’ll begin again
twirl me around and we’ll see
will anyone care about our deeds?
we light fire to the wind
hoping to stop it cold
will we still be so bold

once the dust settles
once the dust settles
once the dust settles

I’m not one to judge
we all have our thing
some of us cry for help
while others sulk silently in the dark
will it even matter

once the dust settles
once the dust settles
once the dust settles

never you mind
it’s all up in the air
people will still shout
if even on a dare

once the dust settles
once the dust settles
once the dust settles

Weekend At Bernie’s 3: The Trump White House

Shelton Bumgarner

by Shelton Bumgarner

Whatever is wrong with Donald Trump is getting worse. And, yet, because of a combination of the Overton Window and the cult of personality associated with Trump, I don’t see any end game that involves Trump leaving office any time before Jan. 20th, 2025.

But we are definitely in a new era when it comes to the Trump Administration. When Trump looked up at the sun and called himself “The chosen one,” that brought the issue of his mental health to the forefront. The reason why the Muller Report freaked MAGA out so much was it was something they could not easily dismiss. Mueller was widely seen as an objective third party and had he done what we all believed he would do — indict the president or his son — they would face a real existential crisis.

That obviously did not happen. And, so, if it was anyone else in Trump’s position, they could shore up power and cruise into a second term of gutting the “administrative state,” bankrupting the nation and ruining the environment in peace. But now that Trump is slowly creeping towards being demonstrably mentally unwell, MAGA thought leaders again find themselves with a topic they would rather not talk about. Because they actually LIKE the cruel un-American policies of the Trump Administration, arguing with them about them is a moot point. In large part because they’re fucking racists, it’s not like you’re going to change their minds.

So what we all thought Mueller would do to Trump, Trump may do to himself. We aren’t there yet, but we’re slowly edging towards a situation where everyone is talking about how bonkers Trump is except for MAGA talking heads. Why Trump’s deteriorating mental state is so dangerous to the MAGA cause is as of right now, no one seems to be ready to step in an establish a Regency, even in private. So there’s a chance that there never will be one and Trump could, in fact, conspicuously lose his mind in some manner and the nation would have no recourse. Too many powerful, wealthy people have a vested interest in Trump staying president — even in an incapacitated way — and as such they will do everything in their power to keep him right where he is.

Really, the only thing that has subtly changed is it’s far more difficult for people to say they take Trump “seriously, but no literally.” I would compare Trump looking up at the sun and calling himself “The chosen one” as similar to when Jimmy Carter gave his famous “malaise” speech. That changed the mood of the country and set the stage for the Reagan Revolution.

We are now slowly reaching a crisis point. The crisis could be something like this: Trump finally loses his mind and instead of impeaching him over being a criminal and traitor, the House impeaches him over his tweets. This would give them plenty of opportunities to have shrinks testify that Trump is a threat to the country and should be removed. Things get a little surreal at this point in that if Trump really goes off the deep end, there’s a greater than zero chance that the Senate might actually convict him. The only reason this might happen is because it would position Pence to run not once, but twice for president. And so, there’s a least a chance that Trump will live to fight another day even though he’s completely bonkers. Republicans will continue to support him no matter what while Democrats will continue to delude themselves that he will “self-impeach.”

So, having said all that, for what I propose to happen, there would have to be a crisis. It would have to happen really quick and in a conspicuous manner. His ultimate downfall would be in days, not weeks or months. The entire country would have to be in shock at how bad things had gotten. It would have to be 9/11 levels of crisis. Otherwise, nothing happens. Trump coasts into a second term and we have four years of a very ineffective Regency. If it takes too long to fix, Trump can simply start a war with Iran and by the time we get around to remembering Trump being insane he has set the stage for someone like Tom Cotton to take over in 2025.

The reason I say all of this is Trump is an avatar for systemic cancer in American society. An alliance of plutocrats, Russians, misogynists evangelicals, gun nuts, racists and morons have an absolute interest in things staying just the way they are, no matter what. Even if the economy tanks, the Russians will hack the election, or Trump will bribe or bully individual Electors. And then there will be no political will to do anything about it, just like there’s no political will to do anything about Trump now.

It’s a great tragedy that the only if the president completely loses his mind in a spectator fashion will there even be a hint of the political will to get rid of him. And then that sets up Pence being president for over eight years and things just go from bad to worse.

I don’t know what to tell you folks. I guess turn out the light, the party’s over.