I Fucking Hate MAGA Nazis

by Shelt Garner

There are two things I fucking hate in this world with a fucking white hot rage — MAGA Nazis and guns. It boggles my mind both that anyone could be a MAGA Nazi and that anyone would love guns so much they want to fuck them.

But let’s talk MAGA Nazis.

The issue is that I’m just the type of person that malignant ding-dong Trump claims is “vermin.” While MAGA Nazis are going to start by putting undocumented people in camps, soon enough, they will make their way from Jewish people to freaky weirdos like me.


Though, I will note again that MAGA is missing a very important part of consolidating power — they don’t have an SA. They seem to think that invoking the Insurrection Act is some sort of magic pixie dust that will make all their problems go away.

I still contend that there is a pretty good chance that the U.S. Military will balk at being use reduce to simply MAGA Nazi goons. Hence, it’s possible that MAGA Nazis will, at some point in their first few days of power consolidation, realize they need something akin to the Nazi SA. If we’re lucky, by the time they manage to organize something like that, the Good Guys will have managed to use a combination of the 14th Amendment, a General Strike and the U.S. Military to topple Tyrant Trump.

Of course that would probably cause a Secession Crisis, but I don’t like to think about that.

And, remember — I can’t predict the future. It’s just all the conditions are there for late 2024, early 2025 to be a massive, historic clusterfuck. Hopefully, though, not only will Biden win re-election, but Trump will just slink into the darkness when he loses. We can thus punt our problems down the road another four years.


Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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