I Keep Fucking Forking This Novel As I Write The Third Draft

by Shelt Garner

Things are getting really, really good with this novel. I’m very pleased. But as I make my way yet again through the third draft’s first act, I keep subtly changing it so it forks.

This sucks.

But I’ve come up with a very interesting new take on the general story that I’ve been working on for years now. The thing about writing a novel is you sometimes find yourself asking yourself some pretty surreal questions. Like, for instance, if this or that sexual act is more “kinky.”

I have everything sorted out on that front — at least to my satisfaction — but I still have a little bit of concern that being so matter-of-fact about things is going to make people giggle.

This is an example of how different I am as a writer than Stieg Larsson. He was too often very dark and twisted whereas I have a far more sex-positive take on some of weird, freaky shit he broached.

That, by definition, makes for a very different type of story.

My biggest fear is, of course, that the novel just won’t be dark enough for its intended genre of mystery-thriller. But, I do keep forking it, so, who knows, by the time this third draft is in Beta, it might be a lot more dark.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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