‘The End’

by Shelt Garner

An old order is dying and a new order is being born. What that new order will be, we don’t know yet. It could be that Trump will establish a dictatorship. We will still have elections, but they will be meaningless.

Now, this is where things get curious — we are making an assumption about the U.S. Military. We are assuming that they will sit by and watch as Trump does all of this. And they very well may.

But if things get really bad and Trump makes good on his promise to use Red State National Guard troops on Blue State protesters….oh boy. Things might get a lot more hairy than we could possibly imagine.

It could be that some pretty astonishing things might happen. I have the fever dream that Trump — and Musk — might be deposed. That, of course, unfortunately, would cause a civil war because Red States would promptly leave the Union.

So, who knows. I think Trump is, for the time being, pretty secure in being a dictator. He can just ignore the courts and, with Musk’s help, do whatever the fuck he wants. Who is going to stop him? And how?

I keep blathering about the possibility of a General Strike but…lulz. Blues just don’t have it in them to risk things in the real world and by the time they get around to being willing to do it, it will be too late.

Author: Shelton Bumgarner

I am the Editor & Publisher of The Trumplandia Report

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