Time To Put The ‘President Hillary Would Have Saved Us’ Counterfactual to Bed

by Ender

Way, way, WAY too many well meaning liberals have learned the wrong lesson from the lasting political power of malignant ding-dong Trump. They continue to cling on the delusional belief that if only Hillary Clinton had won in 2016 all of our problems would have been solved.

They. Are. So. Fucking. Delusional.

I say this because Trump is a symptom, not a cause. If Trump had lost in 2016 two things might have happened instead — he would have gotten worse and become president in 2020, or someone like him would have become POTUS in 2020 or 2024. There are severe macro issues bending American politics in weird ways and all the people who jerk off to the latest breathless Mueller, She Wrote tweet need to grow the fuck up.

In my mind, Mueller, She Wrote symbolizes everything wrong with modern liberalism. No one is going to save us, babe. We have to save ourselves. I wear your block on Twitter as a badge of honor.

The thing that liberals seem to think is if only Hillary Clinton had won, we would be awash in liberal-progressive judges. Ha! Bullshit. All that would have happened is there would be three or more vacancies on the SCOTUS — and many more throughout the judiciary — until Trump, or someone like him, was elected in 2020 or 2024.

If you think that’s “hysterical doom shit,” then fuck you. You’re an oblivious idiot who thinks that if only you tweet harder that somehow, magically the rise of fascism will be stopped without you having risk your life and scared honor in the real fucking world.

It’s Definitely Looking Like My So-Called ‘Hysterical Doom Shit’ About Our Fate Might Not Be So Far Off

by Shelt Garner

You have to admire “Mueller, She Wrote.” The proprietors of that account think that all of our political problems will be magically solved because of this or that court case. Somehow, using rainbows and unicorn farts, Trump and MAGA will fade away because someone swoops in an “saves” us.

Fuck that — we are so fucking screwed.

I can’t predict the future, of course, so it’s very possible that something might happen between now and late 2024, early 2025 that makes a “third way” viable. But I’m not going to fucking hold my breath. If it happens, it’s not going to be because someone “saved” us — it will be because of something totally unpredictable and totally out of our control.

As it stands, either we slide peacefully into autocracy as a result of Trump winning in 2024, or we have a massive fucking civil war domestically and a world war internationally. The world is primed and ready for Something Bad to happen a lot sooner than you might think.

I mean, we fucking have MAGA people running around with “Trump or Death” flags just as fucking Nazis are also walking around. If that isn’t an indication that we’re in a bumpy political ride in the near term, I don’t know what does. We have to stop thinking that either our law or a politics function like they used to.

We have to begin to prepare for the absolute fucking worst — be it autocracy or civil war / revolution. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it is a very cold, hard reality. No one is going to save us. Get ready.

Am I ‘Terribly Negative’ or Just Realistic?

by Shelt Garner

Sometime ago, I was blocked on Twitter by Twitter liberal darling “Mueller, She Wrote” because I both am “terribly negative” and “mischaracterized her work.” I only keep ranting about this because within my echo chamber I keep seeing people commenting on her Tweets and I can’t see them. So I’m reminded all the time that I’m blocked for such a dumb reason.

Which brings me to the question, is she right? Am I “terribly negative?” Well, I would point out that her Twitter account’s name itself has a serious amount of implied and baseless hope to it. I mean, there was a time when Twitter liberals pinned all their hope on the idea that life-long conservative Republican Robert Mueller would save them from Trump. Well, lulz, that didn’t work out, now did it. I think she’s changed her Podcast to “The Daily Beans” or some such, but the point remains — she and people like her thought Mueller was going to save us and he didn’t.

Am I being “terribly negative” to believe that the time for “hope” that the system is going to somehow save us by working is over and the very idea that Trump will ever be held criminally — or even politically accountable — is complete and total bullshit?

I’m not saying give up hope, I’m saying don’t pull all your eggs in the “I hope it will work out” basket. Time to prepare for the worst. And, what’s even more ironic is I feel pretty safe in saying that when what I fear happens, happen, people like Mueller, She Wrote will be the first to leave the country because they have the means to do so, leaving Poors like me to fend for ourselves.

The system is not working. It is not going to save us. And so I don’t think I mischaracterized her work at all. She keeps working on the assumption that the system still works and, by definition, Trump will eventually get caught and stop being a problem. It’s self-evident that that is simply never, ever going to happen. We’re either going to slide into a MAGA-themed autocracy or we’re going to have a civil war.

There is no middle ground. No longer the era for baseless hope. Time to prepare and figure out how you’re going to survive the new post-democratic America. I’ve seen the woman behind Mueller, She Wrote mute other people for some pretty dumb reasons so I don’t feel all THAT bad. Obviously, she’s easily “triggered” and so I have to just accept my fate of being right, but still blocked.

Though I still dream of one day being a success, invited to a cocktail party where she is and laughing in her face so hard I might get kicked out. I boy can dream, can’t he?

Judge A Man By Who Blocks Him On Twitter

by Shelt Garner

“We have all fallen short of the glory that is God,” is one of my favorite Christian saying, even though I’m no Christian. None of us is perfect and we’ve all screwed up to varying degrees because we’re mortal and human. Before liberal darling “Mueller, She Wrote” blocked me on Twitter for being “terribly negative,” the most notable person to block me was Nick Denton. That hurt because, in a way, I really admired Gawker in its heyday.

But, given how obsessively I was tweeting him at one point, I guess I deserved it.

Yet, let’s go back to Mueller, She wrote. As I understand it, she’s based in Sacramento and, lo and behold, I got a ping to this very obscure, rarely viewed site from…Sacramento. The person seemed very interested in the posts I did laying out my concern about being “canceled” for my bad behavior in South Korea nearly 20 years ago.

I am notorious for taking a little bit of information and running with it to absurd lengths, so I’m mildly curious if maybe Mueller, She Wrote is not only extremely easy to trigger, but also a little vindictive. Did she want to laugh at my concern about potentially being “canceled?” Is that what that was all about?

I have no idea, and, honestly, not only is there little I can do about it, the more I learn about the woman behind Mueller, She Wrote, the less I care that she blocked me. She seems very, very sensitive to the point that she blocks and mutes people for the dumbest of reasons.

And I’m well aware that by me saying that, I’m a CIS white male part of the patriarchy who should be, by definition, “canceled.” If I was still irrated by being blocked by Mueller, She Wrote, this is the point where I would tell her to fuck off.

But, you know, she’s just not worth it. She comes across as one of the stereotypical “woke” people who is always canceling people for their human foibles and wants us all to be robots with no emotions that don’t fit the woke mob’s orthodoxy. Now THAT is something I can say can fuck off.

So, live long an prosper Mueller, She Wrote. The only thing that annoys me now is I keep fucking seeing Twitter liberals using eye emojis on her tweets that I can see because I’m blocked. I, unlike her, am not easily triggered and so that’s something I can live with.

Watch Me Be Paranoid

by Shelt Garner

One time, there was this model of sorts who got upset over me simply using a publicly available picture of her to do some commentary. At some point there was talk of a restraining order being issued.

Now, I tend to speculate wildly with very little information, but I’m beginning to wonder if Mueller, She Wrote is the reason why people from my hosting service, DreamHost keep showing up in my Webstats.

Is Mueller, She Wrote so mad about me ranting about her that she is complaining to my hosting service? It would make a lot of sense. And, yet, I’m not being aggressive in any way that isn’t covered by the First Amendment. I suppose she could perceive me as being an asshole, but that’s about it — I’m totally harmless and generally need an “enemy” of sorts to rant about to give myself a hook on this or that topic of the moment.

Anyway, I’m going to assume that’s the case and lay off on mentioning Mueller, She Wrote by name. Meh.

I still think Blue Check Liberals are a bunch of ineffectual cowards, though.

The ‘Mueller, She Wrote’ Account Is Run By Fucking Fools

by Shelt Garner

Jesus Christ, where to start with this one. This only continues to aggravate me because my dark “doom shit” predictions about the fate of the United States continue to be proven correct. Mueller, She Wrote is one of the more respected Blue Check liberal accounts on Twitter and they blocked me some time ago for my “doom shit.”

My response is — have you guys looked around lately? Mueller, She Wrote is apparently still stuck in those halcyon days 2017 when we all thought Mueller was going to save us. Well, jokes on you Mueller, She Wrote. You guys are fucking fools. You are so wrapped up your earnest Twitter threads that you are completely oblivious to what’s really going on.

No only is the system not working — Trump and his ilk are demonstrably above the law — but the Republicans Party seems to systemically grow more radical on a nearly daily basis. And I get blocked for simply pointing this out. Jesus Christ are they fools.

Mueller, She Wrote still having faith in the system is a part of a broader problem among Twitter liberals. They seem to think that something or someone is going to “save” us, when there is absolutely no sign of this being the case.

Even if Trump got indicted, he would still run for POTUS. Even if he got knocked out of running for POTUS for some reason, there are a dozen younger, more focused fascists within the Republican Party who will do the same Goddamn thing that Trump wants to do.

It’s not like I’m making any of this up. This is what anyone can see for themselves on a daily basis by just looking at Twitter.

I want to be wrong. I really do. I wish Mueller, She Wrote was right. I could sleep a lot easier at night if I knew Mueller, She Wrote was right. But, alas, they’re delusional.

Voting isn’t going to save us. The system isn’t going to save us. We have to save ourselves. And the only way I know to do that is for everyone to figure out what they believe in and what they’re willing to suffer for. Maybe store a bugout bag somewhere.

But one thing is clear — between now and 2025, the United States either slips peacefully into autocracy or a civil war begins. And I’ll still be blocked by Mueller, She Wrote.

I See You, ‘Mueller, She Wrote’

by Shelt Garner

I do my best writing when I have a perceived enemy to rant about. I’m not saying the fine folks of “Mueller, She Wrote” are my enemies, per say, but I do have beef. They blocked me for simply stating the obvious — no one is going to save us. No amount of Twitter threads with lookie lookie eye emojis or “booms” is going to change that the United States faces a systemic collapse at the moment with no ready endgame.

Anyway, the point is — lulz, I don’t really care. Whatever. I do like having a running gag where I harp on something over and over and over again for comic effect. At the moment, it’s Mueller, She Wrote because before they blocked me they seemed so…stuck in 2017? Like, when we thought Mueller was going to save us all from Trumplandia?

BOY, were we all naïve.

Anyway, I seem to recall from a Deep State Radio episode recently that Mueller, She Wrote is based out of Sacramento. And, I’ve started to get a weird uptick of hits from….someone in Sacramento.

I have no idea if it’s them or not, but it if it was it would be HILARIOUS. I just hate that I’m being pushed for stating the obvious — maybe no one is going to save us and we’re fucked? Maybe instead of pinning our hopes on a collapsing political system, we start to game out what we’re going to do when we either have a civil war, an autocracy or a military junta?

Anyway, it’s not personal, it’s more of a personal writing trope than anything else. Just like the guy who wrote Midnight Cowboy said when asked how he wrote screenplays, “I hate, A LOT.”


Could The United States Be A ‘Right Wing Dictatorship’ By 2030?

by Shelt Garner

Well, well, well, even “normal” people are beginning to wake up how my “hysterical doom shit” about the fate of American democracy maybe ain’t so “doom shit” after all.


So, while the fine people at the “Mueller, She Wrote” sleep comfortably at night with their full size Mueller pillow in hopes that the system will work and Trump will finally be held accountable — surprise! — everyone realizes we’re totally fucked and Mueller, She Wrote are a group of willful fools with their heads up their collective liberal asses.

The origin of this rant is the buzz around the prognostication of one Thomas Homer-Dixon, who, according to Yahoo! News, “is the founding director of the Cascade Institute at Royal Roads University, British Columbia.”

How’d that work out for you, Mueller, She Wrote?

To make a long story short, he pretty much says exactly what I’ve been ranting about for years now — America, despite the hopes of Mueller, She Wrote, is fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkked. The American Second Republic, founded by Lincoln, is on its last legs. Either we become an Right wing autocratic managed democracy, or we have a civil war that might, just MIGHT establish a Third Republic.

Here’s where Homer-Dixon and I disagree — I see 2024 – 2025 being a lot more bumpy than he does. I think we have three options ahead of us — autocracy, military junta or civil war.

Unless we really go A Handmaiden’s Tale route, I struggle to see the United States become a literal Right wing dictatorship by 2030. We’re far more likely to have a civil war were there are portions of the rubble ruled by a Right wing dictator or we have a post-Constitutional Convention America that politically is identical to modern Russia.

Anyway, the point is — get ready. Things are going to get bumpy for everyone not just in America, but in North America and beyond.