The ‘Vibsession’ Is Real In The Minds Of MAGA

by Shelt Garner

Another holiday season, another polite, but heated, debate with my far more conservative relative. It is clear to me that the center-Right and the center-Left in the US live in totally different realities now.

While I’m not suggesting that the U.S. economy is perfect, in general, it’s doing quite well in relative terms. But to hear my conservative relative talk, you’d think we were in the middle of a Second Great Depression. I finally had to make it clear that I actually had facts to back me up, if need be, just like they had all these fact about how horrible COVID lockdowns were.

This is a prime example of how fucked we are going into the 2024 election. It could be that we’re so divided that even though the economy is doing generally well enough people on the center-Right will be wrapped up in the “vibesession” that Trump will come roaring back.

And I don’t think we really appreciate how fucking bad a second Trump administration will be. It will far, far worse than any of us could possibly imagine. The key issue is, of course, what the reaction of the average person will be when Trump starts snatching people off the streets.

Who knows.

Hysterical Doom Shit: Did I Just Have The Last Peaceful Thanksgiving (For a Few Years?)

by Shelt Garner

I’m a bit worried. A year from now, the country COULD be tearing itself apart as we lurch towards either a MAGA-themed autocracy or something akin to a civil war. I live in a really deep-Red area of Virginia and one of the signs that Something Bad is about to happen is if I don’t feel safe anymore.

If I have to flee my bum fuck Egypt home for a Blue part of Virginia…oh boy. Things would be careening towards a dark place. But to even speculate on such things really is hysterical doom shit.

It could be that Thanksgiving 2024 will be just…Thanksgiving. Nothing will change and I will do it like I always do. But, I dunno, bruh. It definitely seems as though the moment Election Day 2024 arrives things will be…bumpy.

By Thanksgiving 2024, either incoming POTUS Tyrant Trump will have made it clear who he’s going to arrest…or Biden’s re-election will cause a Secession Crisis and we’ll all being worried about Texas leaving the Union before January. But I just don’t know. It could go either way. It really could.

It might be that nothing of note happens by Thanksgiving 2024. But if Trump gets re-elected we are in DEEP TROUBLE.

Election Night 2024: T-Minus 1 Year & Counting

by Shelt Garner

Oh boy. One year from now, as I understand it, will be Election Night 2024. The thing about the next year is there are a lot of known unknowns that could potentially make these coming months some of the most momentous in American history.

Biden is very old. Trump is a man on the run from the law.

As such, it could be that there are any number of things that might happen suddenly that will change some pretty basic assumptions that we have about what we will be facing on Election Night 2024.

If we are very, very, very lucky, then we defeat Trump again and, rather than deciding to demand a National Divorce so he can escape prison, he rants a lot about “Stop The Steal 2” but…nothing happens. We manage to punt some pretty severe structural problems down the road AGAIN.

Trump is so fucking old that even though he will obviously run for president again if he loses again in 2024, he’s not, like, fucking immortal. It could be that all my fears about us turning into an autocracy like Russia will happen not in 2025, but 2029. Any Republican president that we have at this point is going to turn us into an autocracy, it’s just an issue of degree.

A lot of white (male) Americans are angry about the browning of America combined with the growing economic agency of women in the context of the white “Birth Dearth” and the secularization of the country in general. White Identity Politics just aren’t going anywhere — our transition into a minority majority nation is causing some pretty basic elements of American political life to be thrown up in the air.

And I just don’t know how things will work out.

The General Has Begun: ‘Hysterical Doom Shit’ Edition

by Shelt Garner

The 2024 general election campaign has begun — at least in the mind of malignant ding-dong Donald Trump. You know this because of how Trump is banking to the center when it comes to the issue of abortion rights. Trump knows that he has an absolute grip on the nomination so he doesn’t have to pander to the pro-Life absolutists who otherwise have a stranglehold on the Republican nomination process.

This, if nothing else, should make people sit up and take notice that there is no stopping the Trump Train at the moment. Barring something I just can’t predict, Trump is going to win the 2024 election. And if you factor in Biden’s advanced age…oh boy…a repeat of the 1872 nightmare scenario is definitely something you have to ponder.

The fact that even ding-dong Trump has the wherewithal to lean into his lock on the nomination to campaign as if he’s trying to win re-election is rather alarming. We have to accept that there is absolutely nothing that can be done to stop Trump from being president again.

We have to start to prepare for America’s final transition into an autocracy of blood and soil. The entire post World War II liberal order is probably going to come crashing down. The US is going to leave NATO and pull out its tripwire troops stationed in South Korea. Ukraine will have to sue for peace and, that’s it. That’s all she wrote.

Meanwhile, on the domestic front, some pretty dark shit is going to start to happen. Trump will end birthright citizenship, which might be part of a broader attempt to redefine citizenship as narrowly as possible. And it’s at least within the realm of possibility that some of my “hysterical doom shit” may become reality as the existing ICE camp infrastructure is weaponize.

That’s probably our reality starting in early 2025. I can’t predict the future, of course, so it’s possible we’ll manage to punt our problems down the road via some sort of “third way.”

I find this very dubious, however. No matter what happens, 2024 is shaping up to be the most significant election in American history since 1860.