I Hate This Sense Of Powerlessness

by Shelt Garner

The last time I felt this politically powerless, I started writing a novel which has now turned into FOUR novels. I just wish there was some sort of organization I could join that was preparing for the Battle Royale of 2024 – 2025. But, as far as I know, there isn’t a freedom defending counter-part to the bonkers hatred of The Patriot Front.

Who knows?

So, I dunno.

I guess I’ll just have to throw myself into reading about the rise of Nazism and the beginning of the first Civil War. Something, anything that I feel will help me prepare for our coming very dark future.

Or, maybe, I’m being impatient.

It could be that at some point closer to 2024 some sort of center-Left group will pop up in the real world that will try to figure out how to save the Republic should the absolute worst happen and we really do either slip peacefully into autocracy or have a fucking civil war.

I’ve already written at great length about how I joke all the time that if The End comes, I’ll either be the first person to die on the first day or I’ll be the guy who brings civilization (America?) back from the brink. Let me tell you a little story about myself that proves — at least to me — why I think this is so.

Many moons ago, I was at a bar in Seoul. It was about midnight and I was in a really bad place in my life. The bar was just up the hill from the main bar in the Haebangchon neighborhood of Seoul called The Orange Tree. Suddenly, everyone on the other side of the bar from me, the ones near the windows jumped up and rushed out the door. Curious, I walked over to the door to see what was going on. Much to my surprise, just down the hill, the second story window of The Orange Tree had flames coming out of it. Without thinking about it, I rushed down the hill, yelling, “Someone call Korean 911.” I got to the bar’s door, and it was locked. The door was glass with a mesh of steal re-enforcement. I grabbed a fire extinguisher and started smashing through the glass. Of course, I cut myself on my wrist right next to my veins and I stopped. I could have saved the day, but didn’t. Still hate that I stopped.

But the point is, I’m an idiot and rush towards danger, not away from it. I like to think that I work well in a crisis — five years of having every day be a crisis in South Korea will do that to you — and if civil war comes, I know what I’m going to be doing — trying to help the Blue State war effort in any way I can.

That’s pretty dark, though. Hopefully — hopefully! — it won’t come to that. Maybe I’ll sell these four novels I’m working on and I’ll be able to escape the clutches of autocratic President Ron DeSantis.

America’s Looming ‘Battle Royale’

by Shelt Garner

The American center-Left has to go beyond angry Twitter rants and move into the more difficult stage of figuring out what the fuck we’re going to do in the real world. The first thing we have to do is do triage. Things aren’t great.

American democracy is in its twilight.

Not only is autocracy very, very popular with huge swaths of the American body politic, you have Steve Bannon actively working on an “administrative coup.” So, it’s very possible that Trump is going to win fair and square without the aid of Bannon’s shenanigans.

So, what does that mean for people who believe in Lincoln’s dream?

We’re fucked.

If there isn’t a civil war, then I would suggest if you can to leave the country. Everyone who doesn’t believe in autocracy is going to leave the country gradually anyway, so lulz. For a lot of people, autocracy is an abstract that is difficult to understand in real terms. That is, of course, until ICE or The Patriot Front starts knocking heads and then, suddenly, the difference between autocracy and democracy becomes a lot more clear.

So, if we slip peacefully into autocracy, we simply gradually become identical politically to Russia and that’s it. In a generation President DeSantis will be eying a chunk of Canada in an effort to secretly have some sort of defense against a warming earth. (Or something.) Form follows function.

Now, we come to the other, more horrific possibility — civil war.

I still don’t think we’re going to have a civil war. And, yet, Trump IS a lazy idiot and the MAGA New Right IS rather bloodthirsty. So, it’s possible to imagine a scenario where the fascists self-own and Blue States are forced to deal with the existential. If that happens, then you have a lot of concrete things to address.

A lot of the excesses of the identity politics, or cancel culture, or whatever the fuck you want to consider will burn off pretty quick when you’re too busy bombing yourself into the stone age through seized WMD to think about your pronouns.

The same dynamic of the first Civil War or WW2 will be at play. Every able bodied person will have to contribute to the war effort. Everything will be thrown up in the air and everything will be up for grabs. There could be a race war in the South. New York City could declare itself a free state. The United States could have a civil war and there not be any sort of clear endgame.

We could just break up into a number of waring states with various shifting alliances and there won’t be any re-uniting of the nation. A lot would depend what California decides to do. If it just leaves the Union because it can then, we’re really fucked. But if it stays and fights, then it can be the Blue State arsenal of democracy.

Things would get a lot more radical. During the civil war, the two sides would grow more radical. In Blue States, especially, suddenly politics would start to work with a big bang because there are a lot — a lot — of popular policies that Blue States want to enact but haven’t been able to because of Republicans.

I don’t want a civil war. But there comes a point, much like 1860 – 1861, when history makes that choice for you. We have to do everything in our power to prevent and avoid a civil war.

But we also need to begin to game out what we’re going to do should one start at some point between Election Day 2024 and Certification Day 2025.

The Time Of Preparation For Autocracy — Or Civil War — Has Begun

by Shelt Garner

One of the most frustrating things of late is seeing how fucking clueless some of the name brand Twitter “Resistance” accounts continue to be about Trump. While they’re sucking their own cocks with lengthy, breathless Twitter rants, bonkers MAGA New Right traitors like The Patriot Front are preparing in the real world for real world eventualities.

Twitter liberals still think they can just mentally masturbate their way to single handedly holding Trump accountable and saving American democracy from certain doom.

I mean, what the fucking what?

We have to see things for what the are, not how we believe them to be. The United States is only a democracy now because of a quirk of fate. And, if you want to be charitable, maybe Mike Pence simply doing his job. Otherwise, Trump would be in his second term and we would be talking about who his hand-picked successor was going to be and the upcoming Constitutional Convention to pass a “balance budget amendment.”

Huge swaths of the American political system want autocracy. Everyone from plutocrats to “real (white) Americans” in the Heartland want an autocracy. Some of them want an autocracy without even realizing that by supporting the MAGA New Right that’s exactly what they’re going to get.

Only when it becomes personal — a family member who won’t shut the fuck up about how President Ron DeSantis is a fucking tyrannical cucksucker, perhaps — will they sit up and take notice. This will be happening, of course as said family member is being taken away by ICE for God only knows what to happen to them. Then it will be to late. I, I mean, THEY, will be dead, or tortured or whatever the fuck ICE is going to start doing to be people who dare challenge the autocrat.

Or maybe it won’t be ICE. Maybe it will be the freikorps of The Patriot Front who will be doing autocrat President Ron DeSantis’ bidding. But the fact will remain — the people who could have saved American democracy by making common cause with libtards NOW, won’t fucking do it because they tacitly support the policy of the autocrat.

So, people like me are fucked.

Either I get out of the country while I still can or prepare to cross the autocrat. I guess if you really wanted to get dark, you might suggest that I could join the Blue States war movement should there be a civil war. All I can do is write and speak well….and that never did anything for anyone, right? Wink.


Good luck.

Post-Democratic America — Or Civil War — Is Now Inevitable

by Shelt Garner

The Republicans Party is now fascist. By definition, the moment they gain power again, they’re never letting it go. Add to this cold hard fact the additional fact that Trump is turning the Republican Party into his own personal dream board and, well, lulz.

We’re fucked — democracy doesn’t die in the darkness in America, it dies in broad daylight because no one is willing to confront Republicans for the fascists they are.

Or, even more dark, there really isn’t anything we can do to fix this problem short of a civil war. MAGA New Right Republican voters want an autocracy so badly that every election is nothing more than yet another opportunity to lurch us closer and closer to autocracy.

I do not want a civil war — I really don’t! — but a civil war would be a high risk, high reward option to potentially re-found the USA. We could transition from Lincoln’s Second Republic, to a new American Covenant, based on, I dunno, California?

But I just don’t see that happening, at least at the moment.

What’s more likely to happen is around 2024 – 2025, there will be one last death spasm for democracy, and then that will be it. Wealthy center-Left people will leave the United States en masse until the autocratic (whoever that may be) makes that nearly impossible. America will be a shit hole country that continues to grow more inward looking, poorer, less creative and politically dark.


While I don’t think there is going to be a civil war — the center-Left simply has no leadership at the moment — there is a small chance that Trump and the MAGA New Right might bungle the transition to autocracy (willfully?) for no other reason than they want the opportunity to murder people like me for political reasons. They might grow so blinded by their bloodlust that they fail to see that if they just cooled it and were patient, that they would get everything they wanted via political means.

So, I guess what I’m saying is I go in circles in my mind whenever I think about our 2024 – 2025 fate. Just about when I think there is no way we will have a civil war, I say to myself, “but……”

It could really go either way. It really could.

And, honestly, if history is any guide, usually the difference between civil war and autocracy is probably going to be a multitude of tactical decisions — and dumb mistakes one way or another — committed between Election Day 2024 and Certification Day 2025.

Also, as I keep saying — Trump is so stupid and lazy that by definition him running again increases the chances of civil war dramatically. If it’s DeSantis (or anyone else) who is the Republican nominee in 2024, then I can just shrug and start to figure out if I can get out of the country before ICE rounds me up and shoots me in the back of the head.

The Allegory Of The Time Traveler

by Shelt Garner

If you want my opinion on the chances of that the United States will slip peacefully into autocracy, I will give you the following allegory.

Suppose someone from the future actually popped up and it was provable. How would history address this situation? How would the average person? The idea of the reality of time travel could very well be too much for everyone’s poor minds to process and it would be time travel, not first contact that caused mass chaos.

The point of this allegory is how would the average person process the idea that the United States is no longer a democracy? If Trump (or someone like him) was brazen enough in their transformation of the United State into Trumplandia, would the average person shrug or would they freak out? Would they process the presence of time travel calmly or would it break their brain?

It’s my inability to figure out how the average American would process the death of 240 odd years of American democracy that leaves me unable to figure out if we would have a civil war in the 2024 – 2025 timeframe or if we’re just going to become an autocracy peacefully and with our eyes wide open.

Let me be clear — I definitely don’t want a civil war. I’m a man of peace. A man of ideas.

But, fuck, would it be sad if Trump (or someone like him) was able to take away our democratic birthright in broad daylight…and nothing happened. For the moment, that’s definitely what seems like what is going to happen.

If it’s Ron DeSantis who does the transformation, it’s likely to be so subtle that, lulz, the average Traditionalist conservative won’t even notice or care that we’re no longer a democracy because they’re complicit and like, nay, LOVE his policies. Only when a loved one say, ME, won’t shut the fuck up about what a fucking cocksucker autocrat DeSantis and ICE swoops in and puts me in a re-education camp without due process with these Traditionalists realize that maybe they should have made common cause with libtards like me when they had the opportunity.

But by then, of course, it will be too late. Way too late.

Just About Time To Get Back To Work On These Four Novels

by Shelt Garner

My regular efforts to distract myself for a few days are just about to come to an end again. I’m in something of a unique position where, because of a bum ankle, all I can do are things I love — writing, developing, reading.


I’m probably going to daydream aggressively for a just a bit longer today then develop until I’m exhausted. Or, I could just get drunk and pass out. There is, as always, a chance it could go either way.

But I’m feeling pretty stoked about these four novels. I’ve begun to aggressively develop the second book and it’s going really well. All of this is happening in a vacuum — I have no one to talk to. Things would be going so much faster if I just had, say, a girlfriend or wife, to talk to about all of this. But there is a chance the opposite would be true and I wouldn’t get any work done at all.

So, lulz?

Anyway, I’m feeling pretty good — other than the broken ankle issue.

Wish me luck.

Am I Too Weird To Sell These Four Novels?

by Shelt Garner

So. I have four novels I’m working on. But there is a real possibility that no matter how well I write them, when the time comes to try to sell them I will fail because of, well, me. I could be too weird.

At least, that’s my fear.


My fear is that I could achieve my dream of writing four solid thrillers that will appeal to Stieg Larsson readers…and the moment the gatekeepers do due diligence on me, they will walk away because they’ll think I’m just too bonkers.

This is a very annoying prospect, to say the least.

But, I think some of what I’m sensing — at least from the manuscript consultants who keep blowing me off — is for the time being I’m all talk. (Even though I’ve written a huge amount.)

It could be that when I have “paper” to show people, that they will be willing to look past what a kook I am for on other reason than my art is pretty cool. At least, that’s what I hope will happen. I have to think like that, otherwise, ugh.

Hollywood, Or Bust –Distracting Myself With Screenwriting

by Shelt Garner

But for my broken ankle, I would probably be zoning out at a bar somewhere on the Eastern Seaboard on one my regular “Writer’s Retreats.” But, alas, I’m hobbled for the moment, so I have to make do with what I have.

And what I have is Syd Field’s “Screenplay.”

I have more than that, obviously, but this weekend, I’m trying to study that book so I can get some sense of how to properly structure the screenplay outline I’m half-assed working on as my current creative “second track.” I have a really compelling movie concept that I want to do something with as an method to “distract” myself from the main track of writing four novels.

But the only way I could get to this point was a lot of hard work on those four novels. Now that I know how *I* develop a big, overarching story, I can just reuse what I have discovered and use it in a different way — the different way of outlining a screenplay.

I still don’t know how to use Final Draft, though.

But that’s the second stage in all of this. The first stage is to game out the story as well as possible, then turn around and learn Final Draft.

I’m well aware that I probably need three solid completed screenplays to my name before I think about doing what I want to do — simply fly to LA for a few days and walk around, hoping my natural larger-than-life extrovertedness will “somehow” get me near a producer or something.


But it’s also how, as I understand it, Hollywood really works. You do your hard prep work, then hope for the best. It’s all in who you know, not what you know. I’m also well aware that 99% of the people in LA are writing scripts and have exactly the same idea I do.

My mom always told me I was special, though. Wink.

I’ll put a move on you.

Right now, I have a strong scifi movie idea, a strong Wedding Crashers-like movie idea and MAYBE a screenplay based on The Impossible Scenario that I’ve been mulling a lot of late on this site. Maybe. I’m going to have to think some more about that third one. I also have the idea for a movie that I might be able to pitch to Seth Rogen because it deals with a film concept that he, also, is interested in. I just know how to actually pull it off, something he, to date, has not (apparently.)

The only problem with the Wedding Crasher’s style movie I have rolling around in my mind is, well, I’m not THAT funny. But I really like the concept — which I find hilarious — and maybe just by writing it, it could be the basis for a new version I wrote with someone else that was, like, actually as funny as the movie deserves to be.

Anyway, I’m kind of overwhelming myself with creativity, which is how I like it.

The Glory That Is The Name ‘Shiv Roy’

by Shelt Garner

I spend a lot of my time thinking of names. And the idea that a name as great as “Shiv Roy” exists drives me crazy. Shiv Roy has got to be one of the greatest character names because I have no idea about the character and yet I do. Shiv, as in a small knife combined with “Roy” which means “sun” or “king” (I think — rex and roy are very similar).

The character with the perfect name — Shiv Roy.

So, while I have never watched an episode of Succession, “Shiv Roy” is so, so great. It’s so loaded that virtually anything the character does is ironic. If she’s sneaky and does “front stabbing” then she lives up to her name. But if she’s not, then that’s an interesting use of a character with a name like that.

Anyway, just had to get that off my chest. Back to thinking up equally great names to populate four novels.

Trump Is Above The Law

by Shelt Garner

Saying this over and over again is growing tiresome — Trump is above the law. We just don’t have the political will to do anything about the fucker. We know what he was up to in the lead up to January 6th Insurrection and it’s a lulz.

The man was actively attempting to destroy American democracy and was only thwarted through a combination of how pell-mell the execution of the self-coup was and Pence simply not going along with the plan at the last moment.

And now Trump, like an face-hugging xenomorph from Alien, is hell bent on turning the Republican Party into a shiv to murder American democracy once and for all no later than, say, January 2025. Remember, Trump is so popular that he probably will win the 2024 election fair and square — no cheating needed.

Yet, of course, none of this has happened yet.

The thing that “hysterical” people like me get dinged for is we make arguments that make sense, then don’t come to fruition for this or that unexpected event or historical miscalculation. I mean, how could I have known in the fall of 2019 that a pandemic would throw everything up in the air? How could I have known that, in the end, Trump was too lazy and stupid to do even the most basic of autocratic moves going into the 2020 election?

So, he lost.

And, honestly, this time around, it’s very possible that something similar could happen. I mean, if Trump doesn’t run, then the likelihood that we’ll simply slip peacefully into autocracy grows. And there are plenty of people who will shrug if we become an autocracy and won’t event acknowledge the transition until it affects them on a personal level.

Then, of course, it will be way, way, way too late for people like me who simply will never fucking shut up about, say, what a piece of shit President Mike Pompeo is. Fucking cocksucker.

A little lite reading.

Anyway, while all the signs point to something akin to a Fourth Turning / Great Reset in roughly the 2024 – 2025 timeframe, it hasn’t happened yet. But all the metrics are pointing to such a thing happening. All the lights are flashing red. Get ready.