Day Six: Restructuring

by Shelt Garner

One of my big concerns of late about this novel has been that it’s just going to be too fucking long. I’m an unknown, untested first time novelist and, in general, any novel that I might try to pitch really needs to be in the general 100,000 word sweetspot.

Anymore than that and it just physically costs more to print the novel and, as such, the likelihood that an agent will be interested in the first place decreases significantly.

As it so often the case with such the bigger decisions I’ve made with this project, something occurred to me out of the blue that caused me to change a pretty fundimental element of the story. What happened was, when I added a longish second chapter that dealt with my heroine going on a self-destructive bender I had pushed the discovery of a body that gets the story going so late in the first act that the act itself had ballooned to ~50 scenes.

But something occurred to me. With just a little bit of structural change, I could turn this problem on its head. Instead of counting the body’s discovery as the novel’s inciting incident, I now count it as the thing that pushes my heroine into the “special world” of the second act.

This is different than Gone Girl, where the “abduction” happens in the second chapter and more like The Girl Who Played With Fire, where the murder takes place a whopping 70 scenes in!

Anyway, the only issue with this new set up is the first part of the second act, which is the “juicy” part of the story typically used in the blurb to sell the novel now isn’t as spicy as I’d like. But it’s still interesting. And I’m not writing it yet, so there’s a possibility that once I’m in the thick of writing that part of the novel that either I’ll grow comfortable with what I have or I’ll figure out a way to make that portion of the novel more obviously the “fun and games” that people expect.

But I’m feeling really hopefully, at least at the moment.

I Feel Your Pain, Catturd

by Shelt Garner

While the earnest, well-meaning nature of MAGA “thought leader” Catturd enrages me, I saw a description of him that gave me pause for thought. I’m really self-conscious about my current loser lot in life and the way some smug Twitter liberals were describing Catturd could very well be pretty much applied to me.

And, I hate to admit it, in some ways at this specific moment Catturd is actually on a personal basis a lot better off than me. And, in fact, I suspect there’s at least one smug liberal out there who uses her encounter with me in Seoul many moons ago as something of a cocktail party joke.

I’m talking, of course, of Jennifer 8. Lee.

Many moons ago, back in Seoul, Lee came to Seoul to work on a book about fortune cookies. And while she was polite to my face, I think she and her friend Tomoko thought I was completely fucking bonkers — a total fucking loser. And, occasionally, I will see in my Webstats random poking around about my various write ups over the years of that event from my point of view.

I can just imagine how much glee she gets in talking about the crazy, loser expat she met in Seoul. Her friend Tomoko, who was working for the Asian Wall Street Journal at the time, I think, really, really did not think much of me. So much so, that to this day it kind of rattles my personal self-perception.

And, going forward, if I should manage to write the Great American Pop Thriller, I think I’m going to have to prepare myself things not to be as great and wonderful as I want them to be. Any inspection of my personal life over the last 20-odd years will leave Normal Smug Wealthy Liberal Elites aghast at what a fucking loser I’ve been.

But I can’t change how old I am and I can’t change the past. All I can do is just try to write a good a novel as I possibly can.

The Looming Crisis: Everything Is So Conflated in Modern American Political Debate

by Shelt Garner

The issue when it comes to modern American political debate is it’s almost like we’ve given up. All the conditions are there for autocracy or civil war and it literally could break either way at this point. I say this because the two sides of Red and Blue are receding from each other at an astonishing rate.

Either we turn into a MAGA themed autocracy or we have a secession crisis in late 2024, early 2025 because one side or the other gives up and decides they can no longer being in the same nation with a political worldview that they hate.

Take, for instance, the Great Gay Scare that we are currently living through. Everything so fucking conflated. First, let me be clear — I generally support Trans rights and generally don’t care what someone does with their body as long as everyone involved is of age and it’s consensual.

And, yet, as I keep saying the Trans is doing itself no favors by being so overwrought and touchy. There are some very well-meaning, God-fearing people who believe just being gay is a “sin” and they are aghast at there are people who have to pause for 10 minutes before they can answer, “What is a woman?” These very sincere people can’t be blamed if they have begun to think that Trans people are some sort of “protected class” and the “woke” narrative about Trans people can never been questioned. Throw in the wedge issue of Trans kids and….Jesus Christ.

The issue is — if we were a functioning democracy, there would be some give and take between Red and Blue to the point that gradually there would be some consensus as to what to do with the Trans movement and then we would move on to the next pressing issue.

But because of the “Gay Scare” on the Right and the total fucking freak out about when it comes the established Trans orthodoxy on the “woke” Left the whole thing is totally fucked up. The controversy over the Trans issue is yet another corrosive element in our politics which is drive the two sides away from each other and making the United States increasingly unstable on a political basis.

I’m always wrong, and, yet just doing a back-of-the-envelope projection out to late 2024, early 2025 and definitely seem as though we’re either going to collapse into civil war or we’re going to become a MAGA-themed autocracy.

Again, Why Hasn’t Emily Ratajkowski Dated Cara Delevingne Yet?

by Shelt Garner

When it comes to this particular era in Emrata’s life, it’s curious for what HASN’T happened — she hasn’t publicly dated a woman yet. Given Emrata’s reputation as a “pick me” girl, it would make a huge amount of sense for her to go through her “bi-sexual queen” phase.

You go, girl.

And as I’ve suggested before about Emrata, if she decides to date women she has to get through the Final Boss of Cara Delevingne. It would be so, so, so hot if those two started dating. Probably a million young men (and a few women) would start puberty at the thought of Emrata being Cara’s girlfriend, even if it’s just for a few publicity filled weeks.

I suppose it’s just a matter of time, all things considered. It would be one of those fun-interesting things that got everyone talking. Inevitably, of course, the What Does It All Mean culture police would swoop in and make us all miserable my ranting about to smoking hot women dating each other means….something?


What Is Going On With Jennifer Lawrence’s Career?

by Shelt Garner

The thing about Hollywood is there’s what REALLY goes on and then what we Poor rubes project onto the dynamics of the industry. Way too many woke people are aghast that there is any nudity or sex in a movie when for some Hollywood starlets a little T&A is thought of as a great way to further their career.

LONDON, ENGLAND – DECEMBER 01: Jennifer Lawrence attends a photocall for “Passengers” at Claridge’s Hotel on December 1, 2016 in London, England. (Photo by Anthony Harvey/Getty Images)

Not all, but some.

It gets a lot more complicated when you factor in how gross and creepy way too many major players in Hollywood are.

Anyway, this bring us to Jennifer Lawrence. I really like her a lot and I am looking forward to her new movie No Hard Feelings. And, yet, there are some people — especially on Tik-Tok — who think the movie is “cringe.” But it does make you wonder why she’s veered from making high profile “prestige” movies to raunchy 80s style comedies.

It’s very curious.

I say more power to her, but the proof is in the pudding. If she only did the movie because her career is in the dumps, that’s a lot different than if she did it of her own volition. She is — relative to Hollywood standards — getting “older” and she’s a new mom so, I dunno.

Day 5: This Must Be The Place

by Shelt Garner

I’m finally beginning to get some sense of things with this second draft. It’s a real struggle to keep the first act down to a manageable size. At the moment, it’s flucuating back and forth between ~40 and ~50 scenes, which is just way, way too much.

One possible take on what my heroine might look like.

If I could get it down to ~30 scenes, I would feel very content. But, alas, it looks like to tell the story I want to tell, I’m going to hover at ~40 scenes. This reminds me that I need a second creative track. I need another novel I could potentially shop around as my first (sold) novel should it become clear that by blowing past the sweetspot of ~100,000 words that I’ve sort of “priced myself out of being able to be sold.”

I think writing a novel that’s too damn long is a problem a lot of first time novelists face for some reason. It’s easy to write long, hard to write tight. There is a reason why The Great Gatsby is very short relative to some modern tomes.

Anyway, the issue is I’ve established stakes and continue to flesh out my characters. My male romantic lead is now a really great guy in the sense that he saves my heroine in her time of need. That, in a sense, is that character’s “save the cat” moment.

I’m now working on the third chapter. This chapter is different because I have the detris of various other attempts at second draft to work with, though I have come to believe that I actually write faster when I start from scratch. Sometimes, it’s a lot more easier to just think up an entirely new scene than it is to root around in a bad scene that you’ve edited and re-edited over several months.

But I have to admit that sometimes I grow jaded and tired of re-writing a scene completely, so I decide to use what I’ve already written as the basis of a new scene, rather than starting from scratch.

One thing I’m a little uneasy about is the amount of spicy scenes I have in the first act. And, yet, they do move the plot along. But it all boils down to not only do I have no idea what I’m doing — I’m doing it all in a vacuum, too.

So, lulz?

We Ignore The Systemic Radicalization of The Republican Party At Our Own Risk

by Shelt Garner

On the surface, it seems as those because of demographics that MAGA is waning. The case could be made that January 6th was the high water mark of MAGA and now, in general,the entire movement is on the backfoot and will ultimately fade into oblivion.

And, yet.

The issue is that on a systemic basis, the edificate of the Republican Party is now radicalized to the point that I’m worried that we may have a secession crisis in 2024 – 2025 in one of two ways. Either Trump loses and Republicans at the state level heed his demands for secession, or he wins and his second term agenda is such that Blue States feel pushed out of the Union.

A this point, it could go either way, I’m afraid.

I do tend to lean towards if Trump wins that all that will happen is about 1 million smug Twitter liberals will leave the country so they can record their smug, elite podcasts in the south of France. I just don’t know if Blues have it in them to take the radical step of leaving the Union at the state level.

Meanwhile, by 2024, it definitely seems as though Red States are prepared to bounce if they don’t get what they want as part of the 2024 election. As always, everything rests on with ding-dong Trump. About 60% of the American population absolutely hates his guts and, yet, he is well on his way to be the next president of the United States.

Go figure.

Day 4: Dark & Spicy

by Shelt Garner

Editor: You have to forgive me, I’m in something of a bad mood.

While I am trying to follow in pop literary footsteps of Stieg Larsson, he had a tendency to write far, far darker than I am inclined to do. And, yet, there is something to be said for being…provocative…in the name of keeping the audience interested and stimulated.

But anytime you start getting into going dark (and spicy) you bump up against the woke cancel culture mob’s rage over denying your female characters “agency.” My response to this is, ok, I get it, and yet, it’s that very lack of agency that keeps people reading because your natural inclination is when something bad happens — especially to a woman — that you feel for them and want to know what happens next.

I suppose only transgender women can write from a female point of view as a (born) male, so, lulz, just by writing ANYTHING from a female point of view as a man is enough to enraged the woke cancel culture mob. As such, I know my vision for this story and that’s what I’m going to, come what may.

I say all of this because the second chapter is going to get dark and spicy. Our heroine goes on a bender because she fears she’s failed in her objective for the first part of the story and, as such, she engages in some self-destructive behavior. She is “saved” by the male romantic lead, so, I suppose she doesn’t have “agency” and I should just give up and stare at the ceiling with the lights off until I decide to become transgender. (Wink.)

Needless to say — fuck that.

I have a really good story on my hands and to tell the story I want to tell, I’m going to have to bend the “your heroine absolutely must always have agency” law that the woke cancel culture mob seems to believe writers have to follow when they’re not plastering their works with “trigger warnings.”

Anyway, I have written the scene summaries for all of the scenes in Chapter 2 that I haven’t written out yet. So, all I have to do now is get wasted, fire up Spotify and get to writing. Writing dark spicy scenes are a real challenge for me because I hate conflict and I’m not thrilled with the idea of putting my characters through hell, but that’s what you have to do tell a great story. Put your characters up a tree then throw rocks at them.

So, that’s what I’m going to do.

I’m either going to write these dark and spicy scenes tonight or sometime early tomorrow morning. I’ve come up with a really interesting series of events that I feel will both engage readers and be provocative enough that they might actually want to finish the Goddamn novel instead of ghosting me when I give the finished second draft to them for the Beta Reader process.

Day 3: We’ve Entered Chapter 2

by Shelt Garner

I’ve finally gotten into Chapter 2. I’ve really been struggling with the contents of the chapter. On one hand, I wanted to jump forward in time so I could try to keep the word count a bit lower.

But I’ve decided to linger for one chapter — the second chapter — on the consequences of a setback to my heroine. This additional chapter also gives me an opportunity to flesh out the character of my male romantic lead. I’m going out of my way to make the audience like my male romantic lead as well as to get some sense of why the male romantic lead is the male romantic lead.

The only reason why I’m not going to agonize too much over this is that since this is the second draft, I’m beginning to get to a point where all I can do is create my vision and then see what not just Beta Readers think, but also an editor if I manage to save up the money to buy the services of one.

So, here I am.

The second chapter will focus more on the male romantic lead and the self-destructive things my heroine does to herself because she believes she has failed to get something she REALLY wants.

I’ve actually already finished the a really spicy scene in the second chapter. It’s really good! Of course, there will be squeaky wheels in the reading audience who are enraged that a male author is writing a sex scene from a female POV. But, lulz, that’s part of my vision so I’m willing to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune.

In fact, I’ve fleshed out a scene summary for ANOTHER “spicy” scene, but this one is a lot darker and would help a lot when it comes to making the novel provocative enough for modern adult audiences.

I May Have A Tip For Matthew Belloni About Warner Bros. Discovery — Too Bad It’s Dubious At Best

by Shelt Garner

I’m something of a media nerd and so I’m a big fan of Matthew Belloni’s podcast The Town. I often pontificate on shit I know nothing about — that’s kind of my thing — and I also am totally completely obsessed with monitoring my Webstats.

Very, very few people read this blog — mostly stalkers and family members who don’t want to admit that they are interested in my rantings — so whenever something curious pops up in my Webstats I take note. I have no idea why a person from Cortlandt Manor, New York would look — repeatedly — at my musings about the possibility that it seems inevitable that Warner Bros. Discovery will merge with NBCUniversal…but they have.

The ONLY reason why I find this both curious and intriguing is where Cortlandt Manor is — just north of NYC in what I suspect is a fairly wealthy part of the state. It would make a lot of sense if some high-powered media person with inside knowledge would be searching the Web about such a merger if it was actually something actively being discussed.

Or not.

Anyway, absolutely no one listens to me — certainly not Mr. Belloni — so, lulz, I’ll just be content in my scenario running abilities if I turn out to be right. Though I will point out AGAIN — if such a merger did happen, what the fuck happens to CNN?

I can think of a few plutocrats who would shell out a few billion for CNN. The general base price would be $1 billion, but I think if there was some sort of bidding war, you could see a final sale price closer to $5 billion.

Anyway. I need to work on my novel.